私の取り組んでいる前立腺癌に対する“がん標的局所療法”は、前立腺内部の“がん局在診断”と、高密度焦点式超音波療法という最先端の医療技術の融合により成り立っています。がん局在診断については、2011年に米国に留学し、2013年にわが国で先駆けて診断技術を導入、2016年には厚生労働省から先進医療として承認されました。これまでに1200名以上に対する診断を行い、その有用性については国内外の学会、および国際雑誌に報告しています。一方、高密度焦点式超音波療法については、2005年から臨床研究を開始し、“がん標的局所療法”のための治療技術を確立し、その治療方法は国際的に使用されているハンドブック(Handbook of Focal Therapy for Prostate and Renal Cancer. JP Medical Ltd, 2016)に掲載されています。これまでに、230名の患者さんに対する治療が実施され、その初期90名の臨床成績は、International Journal of Clinical Oncologyという国際雑誌に掲載され、その低侵襲性と癌制御における有用性について記しています。現在は、さらなる低侵襲性治療と癌制御の向上をめざして、診療と研究に取り組んでいます。
2002年 | 東京医科大学医学部医学科 卒業 |
2002年〜2004年 | 聖路加国際病院 外科系研修医 |
2004年 | 東海大学医学部大学院医学研究科 入学 |
2008年 | 東海大学医学部大学院医学研究科 卒業、医学博士 |
2008年 | 東海大学医学部外科学系泌尿器科学 助教 |
2010年 | 東海大学医学部外科学系泌尿器科学 講師 |
2011年~2013年 | 南カリフォルニア大学泌尿器科へ留学 |
2015年 | 東海大学医学部付属八王子病院泌尿器科 准教授 |
2015年 | 東海大学医学部付属八王子病院医療連携室長 |
2019年 | 東海大学医学部外科学系泌尿器科学 准教授 |
2020年 | 国際医療福祉大学大学院医療経営管理分野 卒業, MBA healthcare |
日本泌尿器科学会専門医、同 指導医
2007年 日本泌尿器科学会 神奈川地方会ベストプレゼンテーション賞 受賞
2008年 11th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery Best Poster Prize 受賞
2012年 Award-Winning Videos The Best of the Best, American Urological Association Annual Meeting 2012 受賞
2013年 First Prize for the Best Video, 28th Annual European Association of Urology Congress 受賞
2013年 Best Poster Winner American Urological Association Annual Meeting 2013 受賞
2015年 東海大学医学部 優秀研究ユニット賞 受賞
2016年 第4回 泌尿器画像診断・治療技術研究会 最優秀演題賞 受賞
2017年 Top 10 Abstract Award: Engineering and Urology Society 32nd Annual Meeting 受賞
2018年 第56回日本癌治療学会学術集会 優秀演題賞
2019年 日本泌尿器科学会 坂口賞
2019年 日本泌尿器内視鏡学会 阿曽賞
前立腺癌に対するfocal therapyとは何ですか? Q&Aでスッキリわかる前立腺癌 鈴木啓悦 編
排尿のケア 今日の治療指針
高密度焦点式超音波療法(HIFU) 放射線医科学 大西武雄 松本英樹 監修
総合診療医のための泌尿器科プライマリケアハンドブック 改訂版 小路 直 編
排尿のケア 今日の治療指針 山口 徹, 北原光男, 福井次矢 編
総合診療医のための泌尿器科プライマリケアハンドブック 小路 直 編
MRI-TRUS融合画像ガイド下生検により診断された限局性前立腺癌に対する高密度焦点式超音波療法をもちいたFocal Therapy:1年間の前向き臨床試験成績
高密度焦点式超音波療法を用いた前立腺癌に対するfocal therapy後のモニタリングにおけるmulti-parametric MRIの有用性に関する検討
MRI-TRUS融合画像リアルタイムガイド下経会陰式前立腺生検のsignificant cancer検出における有用性に関する検討
限局性前立腺癌に対する低侵襲治療法 高密度焦点超音波療法(HIFU)の術前・術後のケア
前立腺肥大症に対する新規技術 ツリウムレーザー
MRI-TRUS融合画像ガイド下前立腺生検のsignificant cancer検出における有用性
疾患別にみた生活習慣とがん 膀胱がん
集束超音波療法(MRgFUS)の現状と展望 前立腺がん治療の現状と展望
High-intensity focused ultrasound for prostate cancer
前立腺癌に対するfocal HIFU
エキスパートが示す内視鏡手術のコツ TUR-Pの合併症とその予防および治療法
副作用状況に合わせたSunitinib投与によりComplete Responseを得ることができた腎細胞癌多発肺転移の1例
前立腺癌のactive surveillance
The Role of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Accurate Management of Focal Therapy with High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound for the Localized Prostate Cancer. High-Resolution Neuroimaging
High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment of prostate cancer, Handbook of Focal Therapy for Prostate and Renal Cancer.Edited by Truls E Bjerklund Johansen, Damien Greene, David J Breen, Vladimir Mouraviev.
Transperineal targeted biopsy with real-time fusion image of multiparametric magnetic resonance image and transrectal ultrasound image for the diagnosis of prostate cancer, Prostate Cancer - Leading-edge Diagnostic Procedures and Treatments
TRUS of the Prostate: State of the Art, Advances in Image-Guided Urologic Surgery, Edited by Joseph C.Liao, Li-Ming Su
A Review of QOL following for Localized Prostate Cancer, Prostate Cancer Diagnostic and Therapeutic Advances, Edited by Philippe E.Spiess
Novel application of three-dimensional shear wave elastography in the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer
Three-flap umbilicoplasty: a novel and preliminary method of laparoendoscopic single-site transumbilical surgical approach for urachal remnants
Pathological effect of arterial ischaemia and venous congestion on rat testes
Angiogenic, inflammatory and immunologic markers in predicting response to sunitinib in metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Accuracy of real-time magnetic resonance imaging-transrectal ultrasound fusion image-guided transperineal target biopsy with needle tracking with a mechanical position-encoded stepper in detecting significant prostate cancer in biopsy-naïve men
Airway Obstruction Caused by Substernal Thyrotoxic Multinodular Goiter
Low-dose docetaxel, estramustine and prednisolone combination chemotherapy for castration-resistant prostate cancer
Robotic transmural ablation of bladder tumors using high-intensity focused ultrasound: Experimental study
Urethra-sparing high-intensity focused ultrasound for localized prostate cancer: functional and oncological outcomes
Image-based monitoring of targeted biopsy-proven prostate cancer on active surveillance: 11-year experience
Morphological analysis of the effects of intraoperative transrectal compression of the prostate during high-intensity focused ultrasound for localized prostate cancer
Trans-rectal ultrasound visibility of prostate lesions identified by magnetic resonance imaging increases accuracy of image-fusion targeted biopsies
Manually controlled targeted prostate biopsy with real-time fusion imaging of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging and transrectal ultrasound: an early experience
Three-dimensional navigation system integrating position-tracking technology with a movable tablet display for percutaneous targeting
Improved outcomes with advancements in high intensity focused ultrasound devices for the treatment of localized prostate cancer
Synthesis of Sunitinib-Metastin Conjugate, a Novel Esterase-Sensitive Prodrug System Based on Lactonization Reaction
Robot-assisted laparoscopic high-intensity focused ultrasound for focal therapy of prostate: novel approach
Time-dependent change of blood flow in the prostate treated with high-intensity focused ultrasound
Three-dimensional surgical navigation model with TilePro display during robot-assisted radical prostatectomy
Intraoperative ultrasonography with a surgeon-manipulated microtransducer during robotic radical prostatectomy
Denonvilliers' space expansion by transperineal injection of hydrogel: implications for focal therapy of prostate cancer
Salvage focal and salvage total cryoablation for locally recurrent prostate cancer after primary radiation therapy
Image visibility of cancer to enhance targeting precision and spatial mapping biopsy for focal therapy of prostate cancer
Prostate swelling and shift during high intensity focused ultrasound: implication for targeted focal therapy
Value of metastin receptor immunohistochemistry in predicting metastasis after radical nephrectomy for pT1 clear cell renal cell carcinoma
Robotic transrectal ultrasonography during robot-assisted radical prostatectomy
High-intensity focused ultrasound as salvage therapy for patients with recurrent prostate cancer after external beam radiation, brachytherapy or proton therapy
Surgical management of metastatic adrenal tumors: Decision-making factors in imaging
Somatostatin analogue inhibits the mobility of prostate carcinoma cells: a new therapeutic method for advanced prostate carcinoma
Quality of life following high-intensity focused ultrasound for the treatment of localized prostate cancer: a prospective study
Salvage high-intensity focused ultrasound for biopsy-confirmed local recurrence of prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy
Transrectal high-intensity focused ultrasound for the treatment of localized prostate cancer: eight-year experience
Metastin inhibits migration and invasion of renal cell carcinoma with overexpression of metastin receptor
Usefulness of hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha in evaluating the prostatic adenocarcinoma viability following neoadjuvant hormone therapy
Five years experience of transrectal high-intensity focused ultrasound using the Sonablate device in the treatment of localized prostate cancer
Screening program of prostate cancer at Tokai University Hospital: characterization of prostate-specific antigen measurement
Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate induces severe aspermatogenesis in mice, however, subsequent antioxidant vitamins supplementation accelerates regeneration of the seminiferous epithelium
Magnetic resonance imaging-transrectal ultrasound fusion image-guided prostate biopsy: Current status of the cancer detection and the prospects of tailor-made medicine of the prostate cancer
The role of in-bore magnetic resonance imaging guided biopsy for the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer
Potential of metastin and metastin receptor as biomarkers for urological cancers
The current status of tailor-made medicine with molecular biomarker for patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma
High-intensity focused ultrasound for prostate cancer
Potential as a suitable biomarker and novel effective therapy for cancer metastasis (Review)
Anomalous connection of the left posterior renal vein with the left ascending lumber in a Japanese Cadaver
Prostate cancer with cyst formation detected by whole body positron emission tomography/computed tomography
A novel mutation (P236S) in the succinate dehydrogenase subunit B in a Japanese patient with a posterior mediastinal paraganglioma
Surgical resection using retroperitoneal approach for solitary fibrous tumor in the pelvis
IgG4-related inflammatory pseudotumor of the kidney
Metastasis to gallbladder and adrenal gland of renal cell carcinoma
Spontaneous Rupture of Pheochromocytoma and its clinical features: a case report
Acute myocardial infarction during combined chemotherapy with bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin for testicular cancer
Response to Editorial comment to Manually controlled targeted prostate biopsy with real-time fusion imaging of multiparametric MRI and TRUS: An early experience
Reply to Ying Chen and Gyula Kovacs’ Letter to the Editor
私の取り組んでいる前立腺癌に対する“がん標的局所療法”は、前立腺内部の“がん局在診断”と、高密度焦点式超音波療法という最先端の医療技術の融合により成り立っています。がん局在診断については、2011年に米国に留学し、2013年にわが国で先駆けて診断技術を導入、2016年には厚生労働省から先進医療として承認されました。これまでに1200名以上に対する診断を行い、その有用性については国内外の学会、および国際雑誌に報告しています。一方、高密度焦点式超音波療法については、2005年から臨床研究を開始し、“がん標的局所療法”のための治療技術を確立し、その治療方法は国際的に使用されているハンドブック(Handbook of Focal Therapy for Prostate and Renal Cancer. JP Medical Ltd, 2016)に掲載されています。これまでに、230名の患者さんに対する治療が実施され、その初期90名の臨床成績は、International Journal of Clinical Oncologyという国際雑誌に掲載され、その低侵襲性と癌制御における有用性について記しています。現在は、さらなる低侵襲性治療と癌制御の向上をめざして、診療と研究に取り組んでいます。
□ 泌尿器科
□ 泌尿器悪性腫瘍
□ 前立腺肥大症
日本泌尿器科学会専門医、同 指導医
2007年 日本泌尿器科学会 神奈川地方会ベストプレゼンテーション賞 受賞
2008年 11th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery Best Poster Prize 受賞
2012年 Award-Winning Videos The Best of the Best, American Urological Association Annual Meeting 2012 受賞
2013年 First Prize for the Best Video, 28th Annual European Association of Urology Congress 受賞
2013年 Best Poster Winner American Urological Association Annual Meeting 2013 受賞
2015年 東海大学医学部 優秀研究ユニット賞 受賞
2016年 第4回 泌尿器画像診断・治療技術研究会 最優秀演題賞 受賞
2017年 Top 10 Abstract Award: Engineering and Urology Society 32nd Annual Meeting 受賞
2018年 第56回日本癌治療学会学術集会 優秀演題賞
2019年 日本泌尿器科学会 坂口賞
2019年 日本泌尿器内視鏡学会 阿曽賞
前立腺癌に対するfocal therapyとは何ですか? Q&Aでスッキリわかる前立腺癌 鈴木啓悦 編
排尿のケア 今日の治療指針
高密度焦点式超音波療法(HIFU) 放射線医科学 大西武雄 松本英樹 監修
総合診療医のための泌尿器科プライマリケアハンドブック 改訂版 小路 直 編
排尿のケア 今日の治療指針 山口 徹, 北原光男, 福井次矢 編
総合診療医のための泌尿器科プライマリケアハンドブック 小路 直 編
MRI-TRUS融合画像ガイド下生検により診断された限局性前立腺癌に対する高密度焦点式超音波療法をもちいたFocal Therapy:1年間の前向き臨床試験成績
高密度焦点式超音波療法を用いた前立腺癌に対するfocal therapy後のモニタリングにおけるmulti-parametric MRIの有用性に関する検討
MRI-TRUS融合画像リアルタイムガイド下経会陰式前立腺生検のsignificant cancer検出における有用性に関する検討
限局性前立腺癌に対する低侵襲治療法 高密度焦点超音波療法(HIFU)の術前・術後のケア
前立腺肥大症に対する新規技術 ツリウムレーザー
MRI-TRUS融合画像ガイド下前立腺生検のsignificant cancer検出における有用性
疾患別にみた生活習慣とがん 膀胱がん
集束超音波療法(MRgFUS)の現状と展望 前立腺がん治療の現状と展望
High-intensity focused ultrasound for prostate cancer
前立腺癌に対するfocal HIFU
エキスパートが示す内視鏡手術のコツ TUR-Pの合併症とその予防および治療法
副作用状況に合わせたSunitinib投与によりComplete Responseを得ることができた腎細胞癌多発肺転移の1例
前立腺癌のactive surveillance
The Role of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Accurate Management of Focal Therapy with High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound for the Localized Prostate Cancer. High-Resolution Neuroimaging
High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment of prostate cancer, Handbook of Focal Therapy for Prostate and Renal Cancer.Edited by Truls E Bjerklund Johansen, Damien Greene, David J Breen, Vladimir Mouraviev.
Transperineal targeted biopsy with real-time fusion image of multiparametric magnetic resonance image and transrectal ultrasound image for the diagnosis of prostate cancer, Prostate Cancer - Leading-edge Diagnostic Procedures and Treatments
TRUS of the Prostate: State of the Art, Advances in Image-Guided Urologic Surgery, Edited by Joseph C.Liao, Li-Ming Su
A Review of QOL following for Localized Prostate Cancer, Prostate Cancer Diagnostic and Therapeutic Advances, Edited by Philippe E.Spiess
Novel application of three-dimensional shear wave elastography in the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer
Three-flap umbilicoplasty: a novel and preliminary method of laparoendoscopic single-site transumbilical surgical approach for urachal remnants
Pathological effect of arterial ischaemia and venous congestion on rat testes
Angiogenic, inflammatory and immunologic markers in predicting response to sunitinib in metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Accuracy of real-time magnetic resonance imaging-transrectal ultrasound fusion image-guided transperineal target biopsy with needle tracking with a mechanical position-encoded stepper in detecting significant prostate cancer in biopsy-naïve men
Airway Obstruction Caused by Substernal Thyrotoxic Multinodular Goiter
Low-dose docetaxel, estramustine and prednisolone combination chemotherapy for castration-resistant prostate cancer
Robotic transmural ablation of bladder tumors using high-intensity focused ultrasound: Experimental study
Urethra-sparing high-intensity focused ultrasound for localized prostate cancer: functional and oncological outcomes
Image-based monitoring of targeted biopsy-proven prostate cancer on active surveillance: 11-year experience
Morphological analysis of the effects of intraoperative transrectal compression of the prostate during high-intensity focused ultrasound for localized prostate cancer
Trans-rectal ultrasound visibility of prostate lesions identified by magnetic resonance imaging increases accuracy of image-fusion targeted biopsies
Manually controlled targeted prostate biopsy with real-time fusion imaging of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging and transrectal ultrasound: an early experience
Three-dimensional navigation system integrating position-tracking technology with a movable tablet display for percutaneous targeting
Improved outcomes with advancements in high intensity focused ultrasound devices for the treatment of localized prostate cancer
Synthesis of Sunitinib-Metastin Conjugate, a Novel Esterase-Sensitive Prodrug System Based on Lactonization Reaction
Robot-assisted laparoscopic high-intensity focused ultrasound for focal therapy of prostate: novel approach
Time-dependent change of blood flow in the prostate treated with high-intensity focused ultrasound
Three-dimensional surgical navigation model with TilePro display during robot-assisted radical prostatectomy
Intraoperative ultrasonography with a surgeon-manipulated microtransducer during robotic radical prostatectomy
Denonvilliers' space expansion by transperineal injection of hydrogel: implications for focal therapy of prostate cancer
Salvage focal and salvage total cryoablation for locally recurrent prostate cancer after primary radiation therapy
Image visibility of cancer to enhance targeting precision and spatial mapping biopsy for focal therapy of prostate cancer
Prostate swelling and shift during high intensity focused ultrasound: implication for targeted focal therapy
Value of metastin receptor immunohistochemistry in predicting metastasis after radical nephrectomy for pT1 clear cell renal cell carcinoma
Robotic transrectal ultrasonography during robot-assisted radical prostatectomy
High-intensity focused ultrasound as salvage therapy for patients with recurrent prostate cancer after external beam radiation, brachytherapy or proton therapy
Surgical management of metastatic adrenal tumors: Decision-making factors in imaging
Somatostatin analogue inhibits the mobility of prostate carcinoma cells: a new therapeutic method for advanced prostate carcinoma
Quality of life following high-intensity focused ultrasound for the treatment of localized prostate cancer: a prospective study
Salvage high-intensity focused ultrasound for biopsy-confirmed local recurrence of prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy
Transrectal high-intensity focused ultrasound for the treatment of localized prostate cancer: eight-year experience
Metastin inhibits migration and invasion of renal cell carcinoma with overexpression of metastin receptor
Usefulness of hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha in evaluating the prostatic adenocarcinoma viability following neoadjuvant hormone therapy
Five years experience of transrectal high-intensity focused ultrasound using the Sonablate device in the treatment of localized prostate cancer
Screening program of prostate cancer at Tokai University Hospital: characterization of prostate-specific antigen measurement
Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate induces severe aspermatogenesis in mice, however, subsequent antioxidant vitamins supplementation accelerates regeneration of the seminiferous epithelium
Magnetic resonance imaging-transrectal ultrasound fusion image-guided prostate biopsy: Current status of the cancer detection and the prospects of tailor-made medicine of the prostate cancer
The role of in-bore magnetic resonance imaging guided biopsy for the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer
Potential of metastin and metastin receptor as biomarkers for urological cancers
The current status of tailor-made medicine with molecular biomarker for patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma
High-intensity focused ultrasound for prostate cancer
Potential as a suitable biomarker and novel effective therapy for cancer metastasis (Review)
Anomalous connection of the left posterior renal vein with the left ascending lumber in a Japanese Cadaver
Prostate cancer with cyst formation detected by whole body positron emission tomography/computed tomography
A novel mutation (P236S) in the succinate dehydrogenase subunit B in a Japanese patient with a posterior mediastinal paraganglioma
Surgical resection using retroperitoneal approach for solitary fibrous tumor in the pelvis
IgG4-related inflammatory pseudotumor of the kidney
Metastasis to gallbladder and adrenal gland of renal cell carcinoma
Spontaneous Rupture of Pheochromocytoma and its clinical features: a case report
Acute myocardial infarction during combined chemotherapy with bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin for testicular cancer
Response to Editorial comment to Manually controlled targeted prostate biopsy with real-time fusion imaging of multiparametric MRI and TRUS: An early experience
Reply to Ying Chen and Gyula Kovacs’ Letter to the Editor
・治療実績手術あり:100件 在院日数:データなし
・治療実績手術なし:82件 在院日数:9.67日
(平成30年度 DPCデータ)